
Going North

* Cultural--Ayanagalu, a Nigerian drumming and dance troupe, will perform tonight at 8 at UC Santa Barbara’s MultiCultural Center Theater. The troupe is part of an extended family of acrobatic dancers, masqueraders, traditional drummers and praise singers. Free. 893-8411.

* Voices--Trinity Episcopal Church in Santa Barbara will host the Pentecost Festival Concert on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. The Santa Barbara Boys Choir will perform choral and instrumental music spanning several centuries. Donation requested. The church is at 1500 State St. 687-0189.

* Discussion--A panel of nationally recognized journalists will discuss the media’s impact on society Sunday at 3 p.m. at UC Santa Barbara’s Campbell Hall. The event, “The Impact of the Media on American Life,” will inaugurate the university’s Arthur N. Rupe Distinguished Dialogue Series. Panelists: Jeff Greenfield of CNN, William Safire of the New York Times and Richard Rodriguez, a broadcast essayist. Moderator: Kathleen Hall Jamieson, dean of the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication. $3. 893-3535.


* Native American--Hopi dancers, singers and craftspeople from Second Mesa, Ariz., will perform Sunday at 2 p.m. at Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. The performance is a special event for the museum’s “Butterflies Alive!” exhibit. Members of the Ferrel Secakuku family will tell how the butterfly became a part of Hopi cultural life. $7 general; $6 senior citizens and students; $4 children. 682-4711.
