
Don’t Just Throw Buses at the Transit Problem

Re “Mediator Rules Against MTA on Bus Crowding,” Aug. 8: The Bus Riders Union’s demand of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority that it comply with the consent decree on relieving bus overcrowding by spending more and more on buses is not the best solution for our transit problems in L.A. County. While we certainly could use additional buses, we also need dedicated transit ways, such as light-rail lines, busways and subway extensions to meet the needs of our growing population. Simply adding more buses into heavy traffic will only worsen our growing street congestion.

Providing transit users and all commuters a variety of options is essential if we are to have a decent urban transit system. Hopefully, Donald Bliss [the Washington lawyer appointed to mediate the dispute] will have an open mind and consider some other solutions to resolve overcrowding on some of the bus lines rather than just ordering the MTA to purchase hundreds of buses.

Nate Zablen

Sherman Oaks
