
Former Bush Home Up for Sale in Internet Auction

From Associated Press

Buying the West Texas house where President Bush and his father, the former president, once lived is now as easy as logging onto the Internet.

Of course, there’s a $250,000 asking price.

Houston resident Mackey Ervin and his wife, Ann, put the four-bedroom, three-bathroom Midland home up for sale on eBay on Aug. 17. It has been appraised at $103,500.

The Ervins decided to sell the home after Ann Ervin’s mother, Wilma Haynes, moved out recently to be near her children and grandchildren.


Haynes’ late husband had bought the home from the Bushes.

The Bush family, including sons George W. and Jeb, now Florida’s governor, lived in the house in the late 1950s.
