
Two types of training are better than one

Special to The Times

Which is better for burning calories -- weights or cardio?

Research has shown that aerobic activity burns more calories and fat during exercise than weightlifting. However, some studies have shown that weightlifting burns more calories and fat after exercise.

Consider that aerobic exercise and weightlifting are doing two very different things to help our bodies stay fit. Aerobic exercise has favorable effects on our cardiorespiratory system (the heart, lungs and blood vessels), whereas weightlifting has favorable effects on skeletal muscle. That is, it increases the size and strength of your muscles. For optimum health and fitness, do both types of exercise.

Do you have any personal fitness tips for exercising when it’s rainy and cold? I have a busy schedule, but I do have a treadmill at home.


To make indoor exercise easy, set up your exercise equipment in front of a television, or even better, a TV with a VCR or DVD player.

At home, I won’t watch TV (or a movie) unless I’m exercising. This takes my mind off the pressure and boredom of exercising indoors and helps the time pass more quickly. You can also listen to books on tape.

When I do venture outside for walks or runs in the cold, I always make sure I’m dressed properly. Inclement weather isn’t so bad with all the warm weaves and new fibers available in athletic wear these days.



Stephanie Oakes is the fitness correspondent for Discovery Health Channel and a health/fitness consultant. Send questions by e-mail to [email protected]. She cannot respond to every query.
