
Ex-President, Gov. Bush Set Off on Cruise to Bahamas

From Associated Press

Former President Bush and his son, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, left Thursday on a three-night holiday cruise with family and security agents, undeterred by the recent outbreaks of stomach viruses that have sickened some cruise passengers.

The family was joining about 2,500 other passengers aboard the Disney Wonder, its stern adorned with a figure of cartoon character Donald Duck.

The departure was delayed an hour because two of the Bush granddaughters were late. President Bush’s twin daughters Jenna and Barbara were listed on the ship’s manifest, although it was not known whether they were the latecomers.


“This is a personal, family vacation, a much-deserved and needed one,” said Katie Muniz, the governor’s spokeswoman.

The ship was bound for the Bahamas under blue skies and an unusually chilly wind.

Jeb Bush has said he was undeterred by the outbreaks that have sickened hundreds. More than 20 outbreaks on cruise lines are being investigated by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. That number is more than in the four previous years combined.

“I’m not worried at all about the health issue. I’m more worried about just being on a boat, getting along without e-mail and stuff,” the governor said last week.


Disney spokesman Mark Jaronski said no parts of the ship would be restricted and that he expected the Bushes to eat in the main dining room with the other passengers. The dozen or so relatives will be joined by Secret Service agents.
