

No Special Treatment: “A California congressman is trying to get a law passed that would make it a federal crime to rent or sell video games containing violence, prostitution or drug use to people under 17. They’ll have to experience that kind of behavior like the rest of us--by watching the news.” (Ira Lawson)

All in a Day’s Work: “In Washington, a pair of crooks recently robbed a Starbucks restaurant. They didn’t find enough money in the safe, so they proceeded to work the drive-thru window for half an hour. They sold 10 lattes, five cappuccinos--and made $26,000.” (Jay Leno)

Modern Woman: “Minneapolis unveiled a statue of Mary Tyler Moore for her TV role as a 1970s women’s icon. She lived in a studio apartment, worked long hours and all her dates were disasters. She is being honored for being 30 years ahead of her time.” (Argus Hamilton)
