
Marathon Man Puts L.A. in the Running

Last Sunday I saw a side of Los Angeles that I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing before--26.2 miles of sides, in fact. I’m in L.A. at least once a month on business and have always enjoyed the city. But after running your marathon Sunday--surrounded by 23,000 of the friendliest, most cheerful people I’ve ever met--after running through all of your different neighborhoods, after being cheered on by thousands of people who lined your sidewalks and, finally, after following a marathon “pacer” named Viola for 18 miles and running one of the best times of my life, this born-and-raised, die-hard New York City boy is strongly considering becoming truly bicoastal and taking an apartment “on the other coast,” as we call it in Manhattan.

Thank you, Los Angeles, for a truly splendid and fantastic marathon day!

Peter Shankman

New York City
