
When Government Tackles Bioethics, Religion Is in Play

It is the height of hypocrisy that our government, which is supposed to be free of imposing one religion on every individual regardless of his or her beliefs, does it daily in the arena of medical research. This issue is raised in “A Matter of Life, Ethics” (Oct. 29). If my religion does not believe that an embryo is a life until birth (or to simplify, viability), how can it be ethical to sacrifice a precious 4-year-old child because the government won’t allow selection of an embryo that could save his life? The embryos that are not selected are not humans (at least not to everybody).

These “do-gooders” affect me because they virtually stopped stem-cell research, which holds great promise for those of us who suffer from multiple sclerosis. Would these people only remember that one great teaching: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Larry Stahl

Mission Viejo


There are so many difficult and conflicting issues that arise between supporting the new scientific discoveries and preserving the ethics and moral values of an individual. Many people would disagree with the new procedures of embryo science. Their argument would be that they are immoral. But if the tables were turned and this new medical breakthrough would be the only hope of saving the life of your beloved child, would your opinion change? Morals -- or giving life to an innocent child with a promising future? Think about it.


Marian Bacol-Uba

Panorama City
