
No Accountability in Budget Blunders

Re “Full-Time Pay No Guarantee of Busy Legislature,” Nov. 18: George Skelton proposes five solutions to California’s budget fiasco. Not a single one involves cutting expenses, but three tax increases are proposed. This in a budget that has increased approximately $20 billion in the last four years! Is government immune from accountability?

Will Wennerberg

Los Angeles


Re “Grim Report Sees Huge State Deficit,” Nov. 15: There is no such thing as a budget shortfall. You want to make us believe that the state must have the money “planned” for the next year. Like ordinary citizens, the state government should spend according to what it makes. Facing “reduced government services” is not the end of the world. Some of these services were planned with the revenues based on the “bubble economy,” which deflated. And don’t blame the economy. What we need is better planning by our state government.

Virginia Prcic

Westlake Village
