
Voices From the House

Excerpts from Thursday’s House debate on a resolution granting President Bush authority to use military force against Iraq. The measure passed, 296 to 133.


‘We must now do everything in our power to prevent further terrorist attacks and ensure that an attack with a weapon of mass destruction cannot happen. The consequences of such an attack are unimaginable. We spent 50 years in a Cold War and trillions of dollars deterring a weapon-of-mass- destruction attack by another country. Now we must prevent such an attack by terrorists--who, unlike our previous adversaries, are willing to die.... The 12-year history of the U.N. effort to disarm Iraq convinces me that Iraq is a problem that must be dealt with--diplomatically if we can--militarily if we must.’

Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.)

‘Yes’ vote


‘Americans have always had to summon the courage to disregard the timid counsel of those who would mortgage our security to the false promises of wishful thinking and appeasement. The perils of complacency were driven home to us [in September 2001]. We saw in tragic detail that evil is far more than an abstract concept.... Iraq’s vile dictator is a central power in the axis of evil. President Bush and this Congress are committed to removing the threat from Saddam Hussein’s terror state.’


Tom DeLay (R-Texas)

‘Yes’ vote


‘Our action today could cause a reaction of catastrophic proportions, not only in terms of [Iraqi President] Saddam Hussein but in the destabilization of the Middle East and the setting of a dangerous precedent. I plead with you to oppose this rush to war.’

Barbara Lee(D-Oakland)

‘No’ vote


‘War is not the answer to violence, and the path to lasting peace demands cooperation, not unilateralism.’

Lynn Woolsey (D-Petaluma)

‘No’ vote
