
Conrad Cartoon Draws Jeers and Applause

Re Paul Conrad’s Dec. 25 editorial cartoon (Commentary): In this time of questions, few answers and an ongoing conflict in which we are trying to defuse a volatile part of our world, the last thing I needed to see was the tripe that depicted a flag-draped coffin with the caption, “I’ll be home for Christmas.... “

This is the beginning of the 21st century and, perhaps, a Pax Americana that will end some of the wars that have been ongoing since the time of the Crusades. This cartoon was not necessary. It is the opinion of one, and The Times had the choice not to print it. That The Times did print it just proves to those of us in the majority why California’s major media are so out of step with this nation. May the one who decided to print that depiction endure the pain and nausea I felt when I saw it on Christmas Day.

D.L. Tajalle

Twentynine Palms


Re “4 Soldiers Die Amid Attacks in Iraq,” Dec. 25: Five Iraqi civilians killed, and four American soldiers. A Christmas of statistics, the mystery of war overshadowing the mystery of Christ, grimly framed by Conrad’s brilliant and haunting cartoon.


Whether it’s a statement on the futility of war or a memorial to those who have died, or more likely both, this drawing demonstrates the genius of this cartoonist, who understands the power of a simple image and is now too rarely seen on The Times’ Commentary page. Thanks to The Times for this Christmas gift.

Niles S. Duncan



Could any drawing have been more poignant and heart-wrenching than Conrad’s? I have a Times editorial section from Dec. 25, 1970, and his drawing of that day was of the manger and the star above, with the baby Jesus’ hand giving the sign of peace. I only wish those two heartfelt drawings could be shown together.

Rosemary Ashley

Long Beach
