
Billions for Africa, Nothing for Rancho

It is ironic that on the same day the Board of Supervisors voted to close Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center (Jan. 29), President Bush proposed a grant of $15 billion to help AIDS prevention and treatment in Africa. The board’s action was due, in part, to the failure of federal help for closing a health department budget gap estimated at $210 million.

It appears that the president feels AIDS in Africa is more important than helping our own disabled citizens in California. Perhaps California should secede from the union to become eligible for some of that foreign aid and compassion.

Arthur L. Wisot MD

Rolling Hills Estates


We don’t seem to be hearing much in the media about Bush’s proposal to provide medicine to the millions in Africa who have contracted the HIV virus. If he is successful in implementing this plan he could be responsible for saving the lives of more black people than anyone in history.


Robert de Leon Bender

Newport Coast
