
Drive to Extend 710 Is at a Standstill Again

“U.S. Agency Pulls Back on 710 Plan,” Dec. 31: Congratulations to the residents of South Pasadena on another small victory in their fight against construction of the 710 Freeway extension. The Federal Highway Administration has asked for another environmental impact study.

Demolishing homes and bisecting an established neighborhood with a concrete behemoth just so that a few persons from predominantly outside the neighborhood can get to work a few minutes faster is not only unjust but would probably cause blight for the homes that remain.

When will transportation planners realize that adding more pavement to this region will result in more driving and more of the associated problems of smog, traffic fatalities and oil dependence?


The answer to Los Angeles’ traffic congestion is not more freeways -- it’s less driving.

John Loveless

West Los Angeles
