
San Bernardino County

*--* San Bernardino County Supervisor District 4


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Gary Ovitt 30,906 49 Eunice Ulloa 23,086 37 Maurice E. Ayala 8,905 14



Supervisor District 5


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Josie Gonzales 26,854 53 John Longville 23,968 47





*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes %



I -- Local Transportation Improvement Sales Tax Requires two-thirds vote Yes 304,573 79 No 78,841 21



Adelanto Mayor


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % James R. Nehmens* 2,208 100



City Council



2 elected



Charley B. Glasper 1,183 29 Zoila Meyer 1,047 25 William D. Porter* 972 24 Steve R. Baisden* 930 23






*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes %



D -- Charter Amendment Yes 1,704 65 No 913 35



Apple Valley Town Council 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Richard Roelle 9,677 31 Tim Jasper* 5,853 19 Ted Burgnon* 5,753 18 Peter W. Allan 5,752 18 Lawrence J. Warren 2,397 8 Eddie G. Cunningham 1,764 6



Barstow Mayor


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Lawrence E. Dale* 1,976 43 Helen K. Runyon 999 22 Bud Campbell 761 17 Carmen M. Hernandez 555 12 Nathaniel H. Pickett 279 6



City Council



2 elected



Joe D. Gomez 2,001 25 Paul Luellig* 1,299 16 Manuel G. Gurule 1,287 16 Lance Milanez* 1,109 14 Susan Wyman 1,044 13 Patrick Aleman 651 8 Lucille Stanson 646 8







Joanne Cousino* 2,382 61 Laura Moraco 1,506 39






Evelyn Radel* 4,068 100



Bear Valley Community Healthcare District Board of Directors 3 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Ronald B. Peavy 3,031 21 Carol A. Mulvihill 2,540 18 Chris Fagan 2,225 15 Richard Rey 1,935 13 Ruth D. Bain-Kissinger 1,416 10 Gary K. Carlson 1,292 9 Richard R. Rolston 985 7 Charles H. Langdon Iv 504 4 Thomas L. Brandau 457 3



Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District Board of Directors Division 2


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Albert A. Chatigny Jr.* 0 0 David Pensak 0 0



Beaumont Unified School District Measure 55% approval required


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes %



AA -- Special Bond Election Yes 0 0 No 0 0



Big Bear Lake City Council 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Elizabeth Harris* 876 26 William E. Jahn 621 18 Michael Karp 512 15 Harold Schoettger 398 12 Paula Lowery 352 10 Carol Wiese 269 8 Danita Craft 255 7 Joseph Medina 135 4



Chino Mayor


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Dennis R. Yates 9,072 70 Laura De La Cruz 3,977 30



City Council



2 elected



Glenn E. Duncan* 4,946 22 Tom Haughey* 4,301 19 Brenda Marsh 2,882 13 Mark Hargrove 2,795 12 Susan Fekete 2,688 12 Anthony Rivera 2,673 12 David J. Delgado 2,291 10




Chino Hills City Council 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Gwenn E. Norton-Perry* 8,534 28 Curt Hagman 7,910 26 Rossana Mitchell* 6,449 21 Frank Fu 3,793 13 Dustin Miller 2,005 7 Jason C. Hammons 1,492 5



Chino Valley Independent Fire Protection District Board of Directors Full Term 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Ronald Watson 16,987 37 Ed Gray* 14,934 32 David A. Voigt* 14,216 31



Board of Directors Partial Term



Winn Williams 15,851 58 Patrick Wayland 11,657 42



Chino Valley Unified School District Board of Education 3 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Michael Calta 11,480 14 Fred Youngblood Jr. 11,093 14 Bobby E. Grizzle Jr.* 9,961 13 Lonnie D. Truett* 9,330 12 David A. Black* 8,524 11 Sylvia Orozco 7,843 10 Hue Hollins 7,714 10 Shirley Moore 7,346 9 Rudy Garcia 5,954 8



Colton Council District 3


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Kelly J. Chastain* 1,042 100



Council District 5


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % John D. Mitchell* 1,371 100



Council District 6


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Isaac T. Suchil 603 61 Renaldo Gonzales Jr. 388 39






Carolina P. Barrera* 6,983 100






Michael J. Williams* 4,163 56 Antonio Yanas Jr. 3,231 44



Copper Mountain Community College District Measure 55% approval required


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes %



C -- Special Bond Election Yes 9,694 71 No 3,989 29



Fontana City Council 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Janice Rutherford* 15,184 43 Acquanetta Warren 13,672 38 Victor Quiroz 6,678 19



Grand Terrace City Council 3 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Maryetta Ferre* 1,888 24 Lee Ann Garcia* 1,699 22 Jim T. Miller 1,638 21 Frank H. Guzman 1,252 16 Lloyd H. Dodd III 1,096 14 Henry F. Ramey Jr. 301 4





*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes %



E -- Charter Measure Yes 1,921 58 No 1,385 42



Hesperia City Council 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Tad Honeycutt* 8,749 36 Mike Leonard 8,533 35 Dennis Nowicki* 7,067 29




Hesperia Recreation and Park District Board of Directors 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Thurston Smith 7,800 33 Robert W. Chandler* 5,812 25 Anna Ghan 5,057 22 Dave Baumann 3,315 14 William L. Bolin 1,426 6



Hi-Desert Memorial Healthcare District Board of Directors Full Term 3 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Paul R. Hoffman* 7,772 31 Carol Ann Barrett* 7,546 30 Adam J. Crites 5,181 21 Michael S. Tree* 4,497 18



Board of Directors Partial Term



2 elected



Ellin Loveless* 6,299 34 June C. Cox 4,396 24 David Maxson 4,019 22 Colleen J. Sexton 3,570 20



Highland City Council 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % John P. Timmer* 5,705 35 Penny Lilburn* 5,130 32 Sylvia A. Braggs 3,191 20 Otoniel T. Mejia 2,169 13



Indian Wells Valley Water District Board of Directors 3 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Don Joe McKernan* 24 26 Judie Decker* 19 21 Joseph Mallory 14 15 Leroy H. Corlett 10 11 Don Cortichiato 9 10 Pierre Saint-Amand* 9 10 Paul Farris Sr. 6 7



Inland Empire Utilities Agency Board of Directors Division 1


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Terry Catlin* 15,775 54 George D. Voigt 13,355 46



Board of Directors Division 5


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Oscar Gonzalez 18,344 50 Wyatt L. Troxel* 18,272 50



Montclair City Council 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Carolyn Raft* 2,629 31 Javier Dutrey* 2,397 28 Manny Martinez 2,039 24 Benjamin Lopez 1,507 18






*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes %



F -- Increase Use Tax By 25% Yes 3,556 63 No 2,066 37



Ontario City Council 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Paul S. Leon* 11,172 26 Jason Anderson 6,742 16 Debra Dorst-Porada 5,660 13 Jose Ballardo 3,671 9 Susan C. Melanson 3,522 8 Paul V. Avila 3,484 8 Mike Milliner 3,141 7 Richard R. Galvez 2,476 6 Katie Bent 1,302 3 Michael Voeltz 1,083 3 Al Dubiel 393 1






Mary E. Wirtes* 21,662 100






James R. Milhiser* 21,524 100



Rancho Cucamonga City Council 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % L. Dennis Michael 16,060 24 Sam Spagnolo 16,050 24 Don Kurth* 13,410 20 David Grossberg 11,694 18 Robert Howdyshell* 6,215 9 Nicole A. Myerchin 2,762 4






Debra J. Adams* 32,593 100






James C. Frost* 32,605 100



Rialto Mayor


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Grace Vargas* 6,119 39 Kurt O. Wilson 5,903 38 Joseph H. Sampson 3,483 22



City Council



2 elected



Ed Scott 6,375 28 Winifred Lee Hanson* 5,930 26 Dale Z. Estvander 5,526 24 Pamela J. Whyte 5,219 23






Barbara A. McGee* 13,355 100






Edward J. Carrillo* 13,122 100



San Bernardino Measure


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes %



G -- Charter Measure Yes 17,965 62 No 11,110 38



Sierra Sands Unified School District Board of Education 3 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Pamela Lochhead* 29 19 Michael Scott* 26 17 Kurt D. Rockwell 23 15 Tom Martin* 21 14 Kim A. Frankenberger 18 12 Alan Gallagher 11 7 Howard G. Laire 11 7 Walter Maurer 11 7



Twentynine Palms City Council 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Joel A. Klink 1,573 31 Elaine Bernal 1,547 31 Jim Bagley* 1,001 20 Glenn Freshour* 927 18




Upland Mayor


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % John Pomierski* 10,717 54 Ray M. Musser 9,145 46



City Council



Kenneth W. Willis* 10,818 59 Wendy G. Brooks 7,565 41






Walter F. Reardon* 16,927 100



Victorville City Council 3 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Mike Rothschild* 9,174 26 Bob Hunter* 8,234 23 Rudy Cabriales* 8,197 23 Scott Benson 4,582 13 Dion L. Nizzi 3,159 9 Al Cutillo 1,767 5



Yucaipa City Council 3 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Dick Riddell* 9,010 28 Denise Hoyt 6,862 21 Bob Lampi* 6,526 20 Albert H. Stegall 5,565 17 Sherry Haviland 4,754 15



Yucca Valley Town Council 2 elected


*--* 100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Robert Leone* 2,784 30 Frank Luckino 2,434 26 Ann Mistal 1,835 19 Sarann Graham 1,483 16 Lori Herbel 892 9



Key to Tables

An asterisk (*) denotes an incumbent candidate; a double asterisk (**) denotes an appointed incumbent.

Elected candidates and approved measures--or those leading with 99% of precincts reporting--are in bold type. Results are not official and could be affected by absentee ballots.

Percentages may not add up to 100 because of rounding.

District locations are identified by county. In Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura counties, they are identified by community.


Uncontested local offices and write-in candidates are not included in the tables.
