
Religion’s Big Role in U.S. Political Life

John Kerry lost because the Democratic Party has gone so far to the left that evangelical Christians simply cannot support it. The Democratic Party is seen throughout America as anti-Christian, and for good reason. The ACLU, stem cell research, pro-choice stances and Hollywood all serve to convince Christians that they cannot support a Democratic candidate.

Although members of the liberal elite like to think that they’re better, smarter and fitter to lead than everyone else, the election shows that they are sadly out of touch with middle America. The average American believes in moral absolutes; liberal elites don’t.

American Christians simply could not sit idly by while an amoral party swept into the White House. If the Democratic Party does not realize its mistake and move back to the middle, Tuesday’s election results will seem tame over the next several presidential elections.


Kevin Webb

San Bernardino


I am baffled by the faux Christians of this country who believe that they are upholding their morals by supporting a pro-war, pro-death penalty, pro-corporation, anti-environment and anti-social programs administration. The Republican Party is so clearly against the values of true Christians and so blazingly indifferent to the lives of average Americans that I have to believe that Christians are trying to ensure more people get into heaven by assuring greater poverty and suffering for the people.

The principled and decent people of this country have a long road ahead to try to prevent the collapse of America’s infrastructure, educational system, parks and wilderness areas. I hope that we are up to the task.

Barbara Alfors

Santa Monica


I am a bleeding-heart liberal and proud of it. I weep unashamedly over the loss of 3,000 lives on 9/11. I weep over the loss of more than 1,000 American lives and the crippling of thousands more in Iraq. I weep over the death of 100,000 Iraqis -- many women and children -- in a needless war. My heart aches over the erosion of our civil liberties and degradation of U.S. morality in the treatment of terrorist suspects both in Guantanamo and Iraq.


My heart bleeds because I don’t understand how a president claiming to be Christian can neglect the vast numbers of impoverished people and children without healthcare in this country. Under four more years of Bush, I unashamedly will lean on the crutch of Christianity as I know it to help me cope with this grief.

Jacqueline Knowles

Sierra Madre


America is moving toward becoming a theocracy, with evangelical Christians dominating. Mel Gibson trumps Michael Moore.

Werner S. Haas

West Hollywood


I wish to send my condolences to all those who voted for another four years of “compassionate conservatism.” You have earned it!


Morris Ossias

Laguna Woods
