
Identifying a Problem With Immigration

Re “Real ID, Unreal Expectations,” editorial, April 6: Favoring issuance of driver’s licenses to undocumented workers is inconsistent with a state’s obligation under the U.S. and the state constitutions to enforce the laws of the United States. House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner Jr.’s (R-Wis.) “crusade” is not anti-immigrant -- it is anti-undocumented immigrant. A DMV official who is aware that an applicant for a driver’s license is illegally in the U.S. should notify the Department of Homeland Security instead of issuing a document that appears to be a formal recognition of the applicant’s right to reside in the U.S. It is ludicrous to suggest that an undocumented worker in the U.S. illegally would furnish the DMV with his or her true identity, making us all feel safer. Get real!

Stuart Shelby

Santa Monica
