
Anti-terror fatwas and homegrown dogma

Re “A welcome fatwa,” editorial, Aug. 2

Muslims have been condemning all acts of terrorism -- either in the name of Islam or otherwise -- before and since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and it is very frustrating to always be accused of not condemning terrorism or not condemning it enough.

Thank you for drawing attention to the many anti-terror/anti-violence fatwas that have been issued here and abroad. One of the problems that Muslims in the U.S. still face is wider access to the media, but hopefully this new initiative is successful in reaching more of the general public.


Huntington Beach


Hanif Kureishi’s “Arguing with the Islamic ‘truth’ ” (Opinion, Aug. 2) was a thoughtful piece of writing that I enjoyed very much until I realized that he could have changed Islamic to fundamentalist Christian in the title and very little else, and it would have still been appropriate.


Dogma by whatever name is still dogma. We have our own homegrown brand of it right here in the U.S.


