
Radio’s living images

PLEASE, I beg of you, don’t let Ira Glass take “This American Life” to television [“But Will His Voice Carry?,” Aug. 7]. Tell him I will personally pay him the monthly Showtime subscription fee if he agrees to continue to let it be a radio program. The very conundrum of Ira struggling to turn his word pictures into actual pictures is clearly already uncomfortable for him.

I lie comfortably in bed beside my clock radio every Saturday morning and have rearranged my appointments so as not to miss the images that hearing “This American Life” brings to my own mind. It reminds me of when artists felt the need to create videos on MTV for their songs because it was all the rage. Those videos rarely matched the listeners’ own unique imaginings for their songs.

“This American Life” is a treasure precisely because it is on the radio. Ira, let it be. The discoveries we make along the way may not always be the ones you draw.



Rancho Santa Margarita
