
‘Design’ ruling shows sound judgment

Re “Judge Says ‘Intelligent Design’ Is Not Science,” Dec. 21

I think U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III got it exactly right. What is most troubling about the “creationism poorly disguised as science” movement, as well as those good folks wanting University of California credit for school courses taught from a Christian perspective (“Rights Clash in Bias Suit Against UC,” Dec. 19), is the fact that those people are utterly and transparently dishonest about what they’re trying to do, which is to unambiguously establish Christianity as the state religion and take the “secular” out of American secular culture.

If that’s the goal, is it too much to ask Christians to be honest about what they’re doing? Is that really what the Bible teaches, that Christians should trick non-Christians into conversion by repackaging Christianity as something else they find more persuasive?


Los Angeles


Making “intelligent design” a part of the biology curriculum makes as much sense as requiring astrology to be included in the astronomy curriculum.





In the aftermath of the Pennsylvania intelligent design lawsuit, Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor, Mich., which represented the school district and describes its mission as defending the religious freedom of Christians, said: “What this really looks like is an ad hominem attack on scientists who happen to believe in God.”

Surely his case would have been better served by substituting “intelligent designer” for “God.”

As it is, we must take this as an admission that intelligent design is, as we all know, a very transparently disguised form of creationism.



Apple Valley


Judge Jones should be roundly celebrated for his decision in the intelligent design case in Pennsylvania. America must stop this slide into a know-nothing culture of religiosity.

The old saw that you become the enemy you fight is being proved again and again as the United States contends with the rise of Islamo-fascism around the world.

History will view the current hostility toward science as the pathetic last gasp of the provincial and willfully ignorant. How sad it is to see the civilization that has extended its reach to Mars squabbling over inane issues more suited to its hate-filled enemy.



Van Nuys
