
‘Passion’ snub riles up adman

Wafer, anybody? Sip of wine?

For those fans upset by Oscar’s “snub” of “The Passion of the Christ,” Republican adman Patrick Hynes has a suggestion for you: Give up watching the Academy Awards this year in favor of holding a “Passion Party.”

“We’re not targeting the Oscars, or the movies. We’re not saying you shouldn’t patronize the advertisers. Instead, don’t watch the Oscars, rent ‘The Passion’ and invite your friends over,” says Hynes, who nonetheless says: “It’s not really a boycott. I don’t want to hurt the people who are not necessarily part of the problem.”

“The Passion of the Christ” did receive three craft nominations but was shut out of the major categories such as best picture and best director.


The Washington, D.C.-based Hynes has taken his mission to such media outlets as “Good Morning America” and “Hannity & Colmes” and also has been spreading the word of the “Passion Party” through e-mail, phone calls and his web site,

He’s not recommending any themed refreshment. “Soda,” he offers. “It’s grass roots. We thought about producing kits for people and mailing them out. But that’s not what this is about. It’s about people getting together for fellowship.”


Rachel Abramowitz
