
LNG Terminal Vote Isn’t the Last Word

Re “Senate Denies States Authority on Gas Terminals,” June 23: The U.S. Senate’s move to force coastal states and communities to accept dangerous liquefied natural gas terminals in their backyards is unacceptable. Building LNG terminals in populated areas presents communities with an increased risk. Where to place them should be decided by local communities who face that risk, not by Congress members whose districts are far from danger and who receive campaign donations from big oil.

The good news is that, while the federal government is keeping itself busy shoving fossil fuels down our throats, California is pushing ahead to break our dependence on dirty power sources. The state Senate has approved the “Million Solar Roofs Bill,” which would make it easier for homeowners and buyers to go solar.

The Democratic and Republican leadership in the Senate, as well as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, favor this bill. Rather then letting this rare moment of bipartisanship pass us by, I urge the state Assembly to push California to the forefront of the shift toward clean energy.


Winston Vaughan

Los Angeles
