
Video lies and the big picture

Re “When pictures lie,” Opinion, Sept. 9

It’s getting hard to keep the spin straight on this story of the Palestinian kid who was shot during the intifada. Soon after the event, there was an investigation and report, with maps, diagrams, timelines and witness statements, which “proved” that the child was killed in the crossfire by Palestinian bullets. But now we have another story that they were all actors and that nobody in any of the footage died. Which revisionism are we to believe?


Los Angeles


As a liberal, and no fan of the Palestinian Authority or the occupation, I’m grateful that David Gelernter exposed a fake report. Good to know that Gelernter abhors lies. So do I.

Hopefully he has the honesty to direct this fervent thirst for truth closer to home. Would he and his friends among the Rove/Fox News set like to revise their comments on the war in Iraq? Thousands are dead, millions more now live in poverty, terrorism is a greater threat and our very air, soil and seas are more rank thanks to the artful lies of this administration. Will we read of Gelernter’s ruminations on those lies?



La Quinta
