
More cameras in the House

Re “I want my House TV,” editorial, Dec. 16

Has C-SPAN Chief Executive Brian Lamb decided to play the old ratings game? He would like a more “complete picture” of the House floor so that the viewers could get a clearer picture of the “personality” of the members? I don’t think so.

Anyone with half a brain knows that the presence of a camera alters the behavior of those within range. Can we look forward to a “Dr. Phil” rendition of the business of government with cameras trying to catch every off-guard moment of our elected officials? The introduction of additional cameras would only prompt more puffing, posturing and pandering to an unseen audience than already exists. I thought we were desperate to have more “honest” government.

I seriously doubt Lamb’s idea would do anything other than further degrade the seriousness and honesty of our already compromised governmental body.


On the other hand, seeing the votes as they occur and change would be informative and useful.


Thousand Oaks
