
Road to peace for Israel, Palestinians

Re “Israel eases hard line on Palestinians,” Dec. 26

As a Jewish American, I have mixed feelings about Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, and releasing to Abbas $100 million of Palestinian tax and duty money that Israel had been withholding.

On one hand, I say congratulations to Olmert for finally recognizing that for Israel’s long-term security, it must negotiate with the Palestinians. On the other, I say shame on Olmert for not meeting with Abbas or any Palestinian for the year that he has been in power. The way forward to peace has Israeli, Palestinian and American components. Israel must fulfill promises to reduce checkpoints in the West Bank and to open Gaza Strip crossings to significant commercial traffic. Palestinians must come together into a strong unity government that can negotiate successfully with Israel. The U.S. must broker the negotiations to alleviate the worst fears on each side.


La Habra Heights
