
Between the lines of the pledge

Re “Conflict in the name of loyalty,” Opinion, Nov. 14

Although Andrew Cohen’s history of the Pledge of Allegiance is accurate, it misses an important point regarding loyalty. Who is loyal to America? Is loyalty a salute to the flag, with or without the word “God”? Is it singing the national anthem? Is it being drafted or volunteering for military service? Is it not disagreeing with government leaders? Is it voting or refusing to vote because the choices are so poor?

Loyalty is understanding that America was born of revolt, flourished on dissent and became great through experimentation. Loyalty is understanding that one adheres to the law, questions the government when there is disagreement and accepts others for their actions, not for their religion, sex, political beliefs, color, place of birth or economic status.


West Hollywood


I don’t have a problem with people refusing to say the pledge. People have that right, just as I have the right to say it. If certain people at Orange Coast College don’t want to say it, don’t. But please don’t stop those who do. Two wrongs don’t make a right.



Hicksville, N.Y.


As an educator, I see the pledge sworn by students every school day. Often the way it is done in high schools is more of a mockery than a sign of respect. If a person wishes to show respect, he will stand at attention, look at the flag and mean what he says.

As it happens, the students generally are lax, looking at each other and often engaged in other activities while reciting words they do not even understand. The student leading the pledge over the loudspeaker is often out of sequence, does not recite the words correctly or is laughing out of nervousness.

Many teachers and parents disagree, but students do have the 1st Amendment right to silently sit out the pledge if they wish. It is better not to have the pledge than to have it performed disrespectfully.



Dana Point
