
Blame Car Buyers, Too, for Auto Industry’s Fate

Regarding “Toyota Rules Road in California,” Aug. 16, and “Ford to Scale Back Dealership Network,” Aug. 15:

It’s amazing to me that so many Californians complain about the outsourcing of jobs and love to rail against nonunion companies such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc., but they seem to think nothing of spending tens of thousands of dollars on Japanese and other foreign cars that were built either in other countries or in nonunion U.S. factories.

John Funk

Los Angeles


As General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. embark upon a strategy of closing plants, discharging employees and reducing the number of dealerships to become profitable in North America, does it not follow that if they eliminate all plants, employees and dealerships, their profit will be infinite?


Art F. Kochman

Mission Viejo
