
Votes against nominee

Re “No torture, no Mukasey,” Opinion, Oct. 24

The world is already more brutal thanks to Americans who use intellectual trickery to tweak the meaning of the Constitution. If the cowardly Democratic-controlled Senate confirms Michael B. Mukasey as attorney general, we can kiss goodbye not only an America that doesn’t torture and that has a transparent government but also the whole concept of separation of powers. The reinterpretation of the Constitution to serve the vision of Vice President Dick Cheney has expanded executive power to such extraordinary lengths that we might as well hand neoconservative ideological architect Norman Podhoretz the golden key to the country.

Brooke Harris Wolff

Los Angeles


Jonathan Turley writes that Mukasey said, “I don’t know what is involved in the technique” of “water-boarding.” I have a simple solution. Let’s try it out on Mukasey, and he can give us all a firsthand account of whether water-boarding is torture. Then he’ll be sure to give an accurate ruling when faced with questions about its legality.

Todd Koerner

Hermosa Beach
