
A ceiling on development

Re “Rules limit home size, hotel conversion in L.A.,” May 7

Critics of the Los Angeles City Council’s modest anti-mansionization ordinance are spreading misinformation by stating that limiting home sizes will cause property values to fall. Further, there is ample proof that houses adjacent to the mansions are the ones that suffer devaluation, as having a home next to a structure the size of a small apartment building drives buyers away.

Considering that the mayor and the Department of Water and Power are asking city residents to cut back on water and electricity use, it is amazing that the city continues to allow mansionization without levying higher use taxes for energy-inefficient vaulted ceilings, removing old-growth trees and excessive size.

Monique Bryher


The writer is a real estate broker.

I can’t believe that the City Council cares more about having a vibrant and thriving skid row than allowing growth and the fresh energy of a rejuvenated downtown Los Angeles.


It’s no wonder that downtown will always feel like an empty and underdeveloped area. Thank you, City Council, for impeding progress.

Steve Rodriguez

