
1 patient found; 1 remains missing

A man who walked away from a mental facility this week has been found unharmed, but a woman who left Aug. 28 is still missing, an Orange County sheriff’s spokeswoman said Thursday.

Jeffrey Barkin, 44, was found by Irvine police Wednesday night at a park, hungry and thirsty but in good shape. He had been issued a two-hour pass by the facility and was expected to return. Sheriff’s officials declined to identify the clinic.

Melissa C. Hamill, 24, was allowed to leave the same facility about a week ago and has not been seen since. She, too, was given a two-hour pass.


A missing-person handout says Hamill is in “poor mental health” and may require medication. She was wearing a white T-shirt, white sweater with black polka dots, brown Capri pants and brown shoes.

Anyone with information is asked to call (714) 647-7055 or (714) 628-7170 after hours.
