
Be careful what you wish for

Re “Dream big,” editorial, Jan. 1

I enjoyed your somewhat tongue-in-cheek editorial about your editors’ 2009 wishes until I got to your penultimate wish about silencing Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly.

I am no fan of any of those you seek to muzzle, and am glad to be free to choose not to listen to them. But to have the editorial board of what purports to be a bastion of 1st Amendment integrity, and the country’s second-largest city’s newspaper of record, make public a wish to silence a group of commentators whose views differ from its own is not humorous. It is scary.

Thank you, though, for finally announcing publicly that you are nothing more than a commentator at the other end of the spectrum. They are entitled to their opinions, you are entitled to yours, and none of you should be silenced.


Jeffrey C. Briggs



You may put my name on your wish list and send it to whoever can make it come true. Happy New Year!

Barbara Rona

Los Angeles
