

It continues to disappoint that USC, an otherwise excellent institution, so often runs afoul of NCAA rules. We can now add Mayo’s payola to his naughty NBA tickets, 2001’s tutor-gate, Matt Leinart’s apartment and ESPN appearance, Joe McKnight’s phone calls, Reggie Bush’s house and the 2008 hoopsters’ academic progress revelations. Will somebody please wake up Mike Garrett?

Price Luber

Cathedral City


USC should pay all its athletes handsomely. Look what they got away with re: Reggie Bush, God love him. By now they should realize that NCAA stands for Never Complete An Investigation.

Richard De Santis Jr.



“Sleepy” Floyd recently made the prophetic comment that USC would be the last team he coached. He didn’t know how right he was. Would you hire him?


Brett Elkins

Los Angeles
