
Business Letters

Re: Michael Hiltzik’s business column “Choosing sides in net neutrality battle,” April 14:

While I agree that net neutrality is a legitimate (and antitrust) concern, I completely disagree with Michael Hiltzik’s position on e-books. Currently e-books are sold at a discount to list prices.

If we had the right to share books without limit on the Internet, it would put the book publishing business in the toilet along with the music publishing business.


Physical books have built-in limits to sharing. Perhaps Mr. Hiltzik should propose that anyone should be able to copy physical books, or the L.A. Times, and sell those products at a discount.

William Connelly


U.S. needs more ethics training

Re: “Warnings were ignored, WaMu risk officers say,” April 14:

Tragically, Washington Mutual is yet another example of the greed, corruption, lack of ethical behavior and lax regulatory oversight that helped prompt our recent financial meltdown.


Former CEO Kerry Killinger’s apology before the Senate committee rings hollow, given all the people who have been severely hurt by the financial crisis.

I hope that those responsible will be held appropriately accountable and that the lessons learned will prevent another such crisis from occurring.

It appears we need to expand ethics training for employees at every level of our nation’s organizations and institutions.


Karl Strandberg

Long Beach

Rehab specialists deserve better

Re: “Anthem customers still edgy over hikes,” April 13:

Anthem Blue Cross is planning to raise some Californians’ insurance premiums as much as 39%. Yet as of March 1, it reduced its reimbursement for rehabilitative services (physical, occupational and speech therapy) in California to $75 per visit, a 40% to 60% cut.

Rehabilitative specialists have spent years gaining education in their fields, and their careers focus on helping others recover from surgery, injuries and other problems. Let’s pay them their fair share.

Mary Miller


Can we really avoid airlines?

Re: David Lazarus’ consumer column “Airlines live down to our expectations,” April 13:

One of the headlines asks: “Why should we accept airlines’ shenanigans?” My question: What choice do we have, except not travel?

Marta Vago

Santa Monica


I used to fly to intercontinental destinations and embarked on liberal discretionary plane travel all around the States, but I haven’t done so for the last five years.


I’m angry, and on principle I will not fly unless I must. I bought a Prius and have seen more of the country than I ever could have from 30,000 feet.

Michael E. White


Write to Letters to the Business Editor, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012, or [email protected]. Please keep your letters brief and include your address, phone number, and the headline and date of the article.
