
Happening Saturday: Children of Many Colors Native American Powwow


Children of Many Colors Native American Powwow Native American intertribal singing, dancing, drumming, celebrating, ceremonies, arts, crafts, food and more. Teepees and other traditional dwellings will be on display. Moorpark College athletic field, 7075 Campus Road, Moorpark. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. today; 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun. $2 suggested donation per vehicle.

San Clemente Ocean Festival “The Greatest Show on Surf” kicks off its 34th year with sand-and-sea-related activities for the entire family at the San Clemente Ocean Festival. Highlights include Waterman and Waterwoman competitions, surf contests, fishing derbies, an ocean art show, children’s activities and the Rubber Duck Race for the event’s finale. San Clemente Pier, 611 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente. 6:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. today; 6:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sun. Free. (949) 440-6141.

Orange County Fair Celebrating its 120th year, the Orange County Fair kicks off with the theme “The Beat Goes On.” The family-friendly county fair features carnival rides, live entertainment, food and drink, arts and crafts, historical and educational exhibits, a fun zone for kids, a 3-acre working farm and more. O.C. Fair and Event Center, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. 10 a.m.-midnight today and Sun. $10 general admission, $7 for seniors, $5 for children 6-12, free for children younger than 6. (714) 708-1500.


Bastille Day Celebrate the recent Bastille Day with nearly 20,000 revelers at what is being dubbed the largest French celebration in the United States. The 23rd annual Santa Barbara French Festival promises fun for the whole family, including food, wine, wandering mimes and three stages of nonstop music, cabaret and dance performances. Oak Park, 300 W. Alamar Ave., Santa Barbara. 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. today and Sun. Free. (805) 564-7274.
