
Underrated / Overrated


Anders Parker: Earning acclaim in the mid ‘00s with the raucous Americana of “Tell It to the Dust,” this singer-songwriter has remained a cult figure while other bearded singer-songwriters rose to fame recently. Blessed with a rustic, reedy voice, his latest releases — the laptop-assisted double-album “Skyscraper Crow” and the all-instrumental “Cross Latitudes” — show an artist unbowed, and one well-worth seeking out.

The return of “Paris, Texas” (1984): Reissued this year in a sumptuous Criterion package, this engagingly unhurried feature directed by Wim Wenders may seem daunting with its nearly two-and-a-half-hour running time, but it’s worth the investment. From its lushly color-saturated cinematography to Harry Dean Stanton’s hauntingly weathered performance, it’s a classic worth visiting (and revisiting).


Miss USA: Maybe our cable went out last week and picked up a signal from 1978, but we’d swear we saw prime NBC real estate still being given over to this beauty pageant, coincidentally owned by “Apprentice” star Donald Trump. Even disregarding the complex rules of succession that ranks this winner versus Miss America and Miss Universe, just how many times do we really need to settle who’s the fairest of them all these days?


Jake Gyllenhaal as action hero: We’re sure “Prince of Persia” is a fantastic videogame, but count us among the skeptical that the star of more ambitious fare such as “Donnie Darko” and “Brothers” is the ideal choice for swashbuckling. Jake, we know the money’s good, but most of us who want to see your movies are there for twisted-up torment, not Bruckheimer-ready action. Need we remind you of “The Day After Tomorrow”?
