
Your private parts as poster art? In Sweden, having a wee bit of fun with men’s proclivity to overshare

Online art entrepreneurs from Gothenburg, Sweden, have launched a printing service that renders body parts in personalized dimensions.
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“Your penis. Your masterpiece.”

That’s the slogan of a new website offering customizable prints of man’s best friend — and no, we don’t mean golden retrievers.

Online art entrepreneurs from Gothenburg, Sweden, have launched the Penis Poster. The premise? Men love their best friend. And that has led to a proliferation of men sending women uninvited pictures of their best friend.

“A new survey from the internet-based market research YouGov found 53% of millennial women have received a … pic,” reads the poster website, citing the body part in question. The website suggests that men fulfill their urge to share via line art, watercolor or sketch printed on 19.7-inch-by-27.6-inch matte paper for $45 a pop. Braggers, fear not: Designs are to scale, using dimensions the customer provides.


An unspecified portion of the proceeds will be donated to the United Nation’s campaign for gender equality, HeForShe, the website says. A limited-edition series of prints will feature famous “people in positions of power” who serve as a “reminder that there’s still a long way to go to stop sexual harassment.”

The inaugural one is titled “The Donald” and shows a petite body part sporting an orange toupee. If you’re still reading and want to see more:

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