Leading men: ‘The under-6ft. club’
The actors career is hotter than ever, thanks to Iron Man, which is the box office champ of the year. Downey Jr. is 5-foot-9. (Zade Rosenthal / Associated Press)
Scientology’s best friend has been listed at heights from 5-foot-7 to 5-foot-9, with IMBD stating hes 5-foot-7 and CelebHeights.com stating hes 5-foot-7 3/4. The late Richard Harris stated in the Mirror newspaper in 2001: Tom Cruise is a midget and he has eight bodyguards, all 6-10, which makes him ever more diminutive. Its an absolute joke. Actors are so unimportant. (Matt Sayles / Associated Press)
The two-time Tony Award-winning husband of
One of the major box office stars from the late 1930s through the mid-40s, who received four Oscar nominations for his acting and has been married eight times (including to a very young