
Video premiere: Rolling with Vinyl Williams through the digital landscapes of ‘Feedback Delicates’

Turn off your mind and relax and float through musician and visual artist Vinyl Williams’ wild new interactive video for “Feedback Delicates.”

Taken from his just-dropped new record, “Brunei,” the clip from the artist born Lionel Williams, is a trip and allows viewers to explore an entire digital landscape that Williams imagined especially for the track. (Feel free to pause here to expand the video and explore.)


Williams has been making music under his Vinyl moniker since 2010, issuing three sonically singular albums and a few striking EPs that rumble like high-bias cassettes and sound like they were recorded in fish tanks. In a great way.

The artist’s backstory is notable. He is the grandson of Oscar-winning film composer John Williams. As his media notes explain of the artist, who studied at CalArts: “As a result of experiencing religious and cultural dissonance growing up in the state of Utah, Williams reacts by creating dream worlds of religious and cultural harmony. It’s through his art, he projects himself beyond metaphysical dream worlds with ancient mystical symbols, Utopian architecture and exotic locales enveloped in a rippling haze of psychedelia.”

The marriage of video and song in “Feedback Delicates” is just as notable and suggests a future in which listeners strapped into virtual reality gear not only will be able to listen to a song, but will inhabit it, revel within singular aural and visual feasts that, like great songs, can shift depending on perspective, spirit or how hard you’re dancing. Williams’ voice warbles and wanders as computer-born landscapes rush by and the song’s structure meanders.


The artist performs Friday at Non Plus Ultra — which he runs. “Brunei,” which was released by Company Records (Chaz Bundick of Toro y Moi’s imprint), is available through all the major streaming services.

There’s a lot of terrible music out there. For tips on the stuff that’s not, follow Randall Roberts on Twitter: @liledit
