Overheard at Comic Con 2010
Fan: “I read that you were a vocal coach and an acting coach. Does the cast ever come to you for advice?”
John Noble: “Hahaha! No.”
Not only does John get no respect from his castmates, he gets no respect from said castmates’ significant others. When John made a particularly off face while he contemplated a question, actress Diane Kruger (Joshua Jackson‘s girlfriend) was overheard saying “He looks like he’s having a difficult bowel movement.”
Poor John. He’s the Rodney Dangerfield of Fringe! (Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images)
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For four days, all of pop culture centers on San Diego for Comic Con -- and all sorts of things get said. Join us as we eavesdrop on the stars, the creators, the fans and more at SDCC.
“I think Ryan responds to the bliss depending on what kind of dress Anna has on.”
Morris Chestnut (Michael Buckner/Getty Images)
“Lizard love is the best love.”
Morena Baccarin. We’re guessing the fans agree. (Michael Buckner/Getty Images)
“The last video game I played was ‘Duck Hunt.’ Things have changed.”
Actress Olivia Wilde during the Tron: Legacy panel. (Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
Dude on phone: “I’m going to have to call you back -- I’m at this little comic convention in San Diego.”
We assume he hung up and ordered a small seafood appetizer consisting of an entire blue whale. (Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)
“There’s something every year that makes me want to eat my heart out and then throw it up and eat it again”
Composer Danny Elfman praising (we think) his colleagues (Michael Buckner/Getty Images)
“If it weren’t for deadlines, I’d still be trying to finish Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure.”
Composer Danny Elfman explains his work process. (Michael Buckner/Getty Images)
“I have super VIPs for tonight and I don’t know what to do. They’re agents from CAA.”
Sorry, CAA -- at SDCC, the guy in the homemade Ghostbusters costume is more “Super VIP” than you are. (Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)
“I just tweeted that JJ Abrams bought me a beer, and I instantly lost 10 followers.”
Of course -- nobody likes a braggart! (Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images)