
The ultimate holiday airport survival guide

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The Daily Meal

‘Tis the season to be stuck waiting in airport security lines. With the holiday season quickly approaching, there will be an influx of travelers from all around the world trying to make it home to their families and loved ones. Some will be frequent flyers while others will be occasional travelers who haven’t kept up with the ever-growing airport rules and regulations. Unfortunately, this will almost guarantee airport madness by slowing down the already long process of checking in, passing security, getting to your terminal and then your gate, and jetting off to your ultimate destination.

The Ultimate Holiday Airport Survival Guide Slideshow

Traveling during this time of year can be a bit of a nightmare, in other words - but it doesn’t have to be. As long you do your research, give yourself enough time before your flight, and plan ahead for all possible outcomes, you will make it through your travels all right. Here are 10 airport survival tips to help you get to your destination with your sanity intact.

Bianca Bahamondes contributed to this round-up.
