
Four Loko’s statement about latest teen deaths -- and its products

Four Loko is making news again -- even without the caffeine.

An empty can of the fruit-flavored alcohol drink was found near the bodies of two dead teens in a vacant Southern California apartment. This L.A. Now blog post explains what happened and how the maker reacted.

Outrage against Four Loko, Joose and other alcohol-caffeinated products reached a peak this fall after college kids who chugged the potent brew either blacked out, wound up hospitalized or in some cases died. Many states banned the drinks, and the Food and Drug Administration issued a safety warning.

Manufacturers of such drinks dropped the caffeine -- but not the alcohol, of course. And Four Loko soldiers on in 23.5-ounce cans of 6% to 12% alcohol. Here’s what the maker Phusion Projects says about its products.


And no surprise here: The start-up was created by three college kids from Ohio State University who likely know what sells on campus.
