Butch and Deborah Fuller: Free to make a reluctant choice. (CLARENCE WILLIAMS / Los Angeles Times)
David Chow: Confidence only goes so far. (CLARENCE WILLIAMS / Los Angeles Times)
Gilbert Baker: “I just want to get home tonight.” (CLARENCE WILLIAMS / Los Angeles Times)
Scott Stone: A humane tool of a working ranch. (CLARENCE WILLIAMS / Los Angeles Times)
Cori Harris: One small comfort in a scary world. (CLARENCE WILLIAMS / Los Angeles Times)
Jeffrey Angus: Shades of moderation beyond the bluster. (CLARENCE WILLIAMS / Los Angeles Times)
Mike Slaven: Holding off a merciless hunter. (CLARENCE WILLIAMS / Los Angeles Times)
Takeshi Matsuura: An inexplicable small-caliber calm. (CLARENCE WILLIAMS / Los Angeles Times)
Stan Henniger: Sentinal in an edgy sanctuary. (CLARENCE WILLIAMS / Los Angeles Times)
Aracelia Parra: Protecting a fragile dream. (CLARENCE WILLIAMS / Los Angeles Times)