
Bear caught lounging in Sierra Madre pool; plus more bear video

The September Southern California heat wave has sent at least one bear into a backyard swimming pool. Sunday afternoon, some Sierra Madre homeowners spied a sizable black bear lounging on the steps of their in-ground pool. The bear swam and rested for about 15 minutes before leaving like an unwanted party guest. It's hard to blame the wildlife. Temperatures in Sierra Madre hit 103 on Sunday and 100 on Monday, according to AccuWeather.

Southern Californians are accustomed to bears in pools and hot tubs. (This reporter once watched a bobcat visit her pool.)

The state's black bear population has been on the rise in the last 25 years and is now at about 30,000. Below is the Sierra Madre video [warning: There's a bit of surprise-there's-a-bear-in-my-pool foul language] and a few more of our favorite bears-in-our-pools video.

From 2013, an aerial view shows residents making a hasty exit from their pool.

And here's a bear in a Monrovia infinity pool in 2012.

Follow me at @AmyTheHub, and no bobcats in the pool, please.
