Cold Copy archive
Looking back at the positions of Times editorial boards past.
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The Dow may have seen its biggest points decrease ever this week, but more than 20 years ago it lost nearly one-quarter of its value. The Times urged readers to respond with calm.
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How The Times responded to L.A.-area commuter-train disasters of the not-too-distant past.
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In its news and editorial pages, The Times reacted with excitement to Mondales selection of Geraldine Ferraro.
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What The Times said after the Bush and Gore nomination speeches in 2000.
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Four years ago, a Times editorial asked readers for their suggestions. Were taking responses again.
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Past editorial boards’ instant reactions to VP announcements.
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Thug apologism isn’t just a modern phenomenon.
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How the editorial board reacted to previous driving safety measures.
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The Times board stood resolutely against the property tax amendment.
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A protracted war prompted the board to consider what the holiday had become and what it should be.
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The editorial board on the social networking sites legal woes and political activities.
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Since Proposition 22 passed, The Times hasnt shied from supporting same-sex marriage.
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How The Times responded to the death of one of its own.
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The Times editorial board praised his movement for years and eloquently eulogized him the day after his death.
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What The Times had to say since it staked its antiwar-without-the-U.N. position in 2003.
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What The Times had to say about politicians’ peccadilloes over the years.
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The turn-of-last-century editorial board fears the custom of women asking men to marry them.
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The Times editorial board was politely respectful of Black History Month even as Op-Ed writers tore it apart.
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Fifty years of Fidel editorials.
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In times of need, The Times editorial board looked to Americas legendary commanders in chief.
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From lyrical to cynical, The Times indulges a hundred-year love-hate relationship with Valentines Day.
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The editorial board on McGoverns 1972 win.
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The big primary contest of 1988.
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The Times editorial board waxes poetic.
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The contest precipitated Lyndon Johnsons withdrawal from the race.
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How the editorial board went from appreciating to begrudging the caucus.
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The Times of old mocks everyone but Angelenos.
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On July 4, 1972, The Times reflected liberty.
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Education, healthcare, and immigration werent the same in 1972.
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The Times takes on Vietnamization and the air war in 1972.
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Reactions by The Times’ editorial board to a disaster-filled year.
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A head-scratcher of a Christmas wish from the old days.
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How The Times editorialized on the environment in 1972.
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What did the L.A. Times say about the economy back in stagflation-happy 1972?
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What were the issues in play the last time we endorsed a presidential candidate?
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How we were dealing with life and death issues the last time we endorsed a presidential candidate.
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What did we have to say back at the beginning of the United States’ very complicated modern relationship with Iran?
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How The Times’ editorial board went from uptight to groovy on the issue of marijuana.
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How we’ve covered the long history of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.
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Long before Hugo Chavez, the paper denounced another Venezuelan strongman.
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The editorial board’s ever-more-extreme praise of Southern California weather.
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The Times editorial board’s seesawing views on capital punishment
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What the L.A. Times didn’t have to say about restrictive racial covenants back in the day
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How has the paper handled stock market plunges in the past?
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Tracking the paper’s love/hate relationships with the many leaders of Pakistan.
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As Hollywood writers walk, we look to editorial history for guidance, and come away pretty confused.
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The L.A. Times has been warning about wildfire unpreparedness for about as long as there’s been an L.A. Times
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A peek through the recent Opinion archives for fire-policy commentary fueled by the Santa Anas
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Looking back at Times editorials on healthcare reform, from World War I to the Clinton era.
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The Times insults the great dignity of the Tukishness of the dignified Turkish people of the great dignified Turkish nation.
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Looking back at the paper’s editorials during the golden era of yellow terror.
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Looking back at the paper’s response to the World War I massacre as it was happening.