
Readers React: Benghazi, pro and con

It is shameful but not at all surprising that The Times’ editorial board members are opposed to the formation of a House select committee to get to the truth once and for all about the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya. (“Quit playing games with Benghazi,” Editorial, May 12)

They, like the Democrats in Congress, must be worried that the new committee will uncover new facts and information about this terrible tragedy that will reflect very badly on former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Obama. The new Ben Rhodes email is a smoking gun that the White House tried to keep secret.

I was under the misguided impression that journalists were taught to seek out the facts and the truth and then print it.


If the White House and the State Department have nothing to hide, then they have nothing to worry about.

Bob Wallace

Las Vegas

Cheers to The Times for challenging “yet another congressional investigation” into the tragedy at Benghazi.

Of course we expect no less from House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), whose fear of the tea party and preference for partisan obstructionism over public policymaking have led to a historically unproductive Congress. Rather than attending to real national needs — jobs, infrastructure, immigration reform, education, income inequality, the minimum wage and extending unemployment insurance benefits — we got instead at least 50 votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act.


Now we have another ghost chase on Benghazi. Voters, please remember all this for the upcoming election.

Edward S. Pope


While I applaud The Times for making clear that this “new” committee to investigate the Benghazi attack is purely political, you left out one very important point.

This is yet another black hole into which the Republicans in Congress hope to send the electorate. They have gone silent on their blatant fallacy-filled attack on the Affordable Care Act. They were wrong about how people would reject this “broken” legislation, so they need a way to change the subject.


The Republicans are relentlessly negative, and fail to grasp that the nation sees and hears what they are doing. The electorate is a little smarter than that and will let its displeasure be known at the ballot box.

Jay Slater

Los Angeles
