
Readers react to the killing of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden

Re “U.S. kills Bin Laden,” May 2

Like most Americans, I am glad that the author of the horrendous 9/11 terrorist attacks is gone. We are correct to celebrate. A mere sigh of relief just would not do it after what this man wrought.

We should keep in mind, however, that we still have to convince Osama bin Laden’s admirers that there are civilized ways of having one’s grievances heard. We must help these people understand that now, as is being proved in the current Arab Spring, that the West’s and the rest of the world’s perspective on what causes terrorism has matured and is now more informed.


We should be joyful, but at the risk of further alienating people of Bin Laden’s persuasion, let us not gloat.

Victor W. Monsura

Garden Grove

Yes, I’m glad that Bin Laden is dead. But most of us who were against George W. Bush’s wars in the Middle East from the beginning suggested that this is what should have been done right away: Send our intelligence services out to find this man and bring him to justice. Instead, we wasted years and lives in these stupid wars and created new Al Qaeda recruits.

In light of this history, it’s weird to watch Americans celebrate Bin Laden’s death in the streets much like the jihadists celebrate the death of Americans. There’s no glory in killing this monster if it’s just another step in the cycle of retribution.


Neil Reichline


Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead. It’s been a long time coming, at the cost of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions spent on wars.

But it was much too swift an ending for the murderer himself. The world is a better place without him, but he had a decade of crawling around and hiding. Too bad he is not in a prison awaiting trial and anticipating testimony and a just punishment for unspeakable crimes.

Lee Grant


This is not the breaking point for Al Qaeda. This is similar to the Confederate loss at Antietam leading up to its insurmountable loss at Gettysburg. Bin Laden’s death represents a turning point in the war on terror.


This man insinuated his face into the brains of every American as the merchant of death. He shocked us with his senseless zeal to murder Americans. Not only did he threaten to kill Americans; he was one of the few who delivered.

His cowardly move to run to the hills in Pakistan and Afghanistan left many Americans wondering after years of searching whether we should even be there. President Obama brought the treads back on the road and led us to the destination his predecessor set out for us almost 10 years ago.

Dead or alive.

Ryan Peffers

Fountain Valley

The amazing news of Bin Laden’s death transcends the often petty nature of our domestic politics. Just like in World War II, good has overcome evil. A particular thanks must go to all of those who have worked so hard over the last 10 years to make Bin Laden’s death a reality.

This is a great time for our country and for the world.

Steven M. Clayton

Pittsburgh, Pa.

America is a nation of builders, whether it is physical, like our magnificent skyscrapers, interstate highways and magical baseball stadiums; metaphysical, like our idea of democracy; or spiritual, like when we right the wrong of inequality and segregation.

But we can also be a nation of destruction toward those who would do us or our allies harm. Whether you were Nazis, murderous dictators or Al Qaeda, America has destroyed all that you championed.

To our current and future enemies, you would be well instructed to remember this lesson.

Richard Barrett

La Mirada

As a Muslim born in America, the news of Bin Laden’s death gives me joy and relief. I will always look back on May 1, 2011, as the day when long-awaited justice was done to a tyrant who attacked my country and desecrated my faith.


Ahsan M. Khan

Yorba Linda

Bin Laden’s death is a momentous event for all people who were shocked by the horrendous crime of 9/11. I was happy that Obama ordered the body to be buried according to Islamic tradition. Such an order demonstrates the innate humanity of our American leadership.

We should not imitate the actions of some in predominantly Muslim countries, where some cheer when Israelis and other “enemies” are killed. It is also not appropriate for us to imitate them when a man driven by mindless hatred for his version of

the “infidel” is brought down.

We can be relieved that Bin Laden can no longer plan acts of terror against the world, but let us not be like those who celebrate death. We are better than that, aren’t we?

Sherri Lipman


Bin Laden is dead. But while America wipes the blood off its righteous sword, remember that terrorism is not dead. It will continue to haunt us, especially in our airports, subways and public places. Terrorism will always be the tactic of misguided fanatics who see themselves as disenfranchised.

Our success depends greatly on the outcome of the Arab Spring and on whether democracy eventually gets a foothold in the Middle East. In democracies, the groups that make up terrorists will have to exchange their bombs for ballots.

I am hopeful because terrorism does not provide an alternative to fair and just government or distribution of wealth.


The masses protesting across the Middle East want a chance for a better life that terrorism cannot provide.

Monroe Thomas Clewis


In all the euphoria over the death of Bin Laden, has anyone paused to reflect on what the pursuit of this man has cost this nation?

The shredding of our Constitution, the establishment of unchecked executive power, the practice of extraordinary rendition, the establishment of secret CIA prisons around the globe, the institutionalization of indefinite detention and torture, and the militarization of our country — all this we have done to ourselves in response to Bin Laden’s crimes.

There is no reason to rejoice over the death of this criminal. Only when our nation truly turns its back on this dark period of our history — by holding those accountable who have brought us down this path — will there be reason to rejoice.

Chris Apostal

Silver Lake

It is rare when we can celebrate anyone’s death, but we can feel justified this time because this man was the mastermind behind the deaths of thousands of our citizens.

We can also celebrate the curious irony that the death of Bin Laden happened on the watch of Barack Hussein Obama. What’s in a name?


Most importantly, we can now hope that the old adage that cutting off the head of the snake leads to the ultimate death of the whole snake, which is

Al Qaeda.

Anthony Lawrence

Woodland Hills

It has now become obvious that at the very moment that Obama scolded the media, the nation and Captain Trump for guiding the ship of fools on the silly course that forced him to produce his long-form birth certificate, he was in the final stages of planning the capture or killing of Bin Laden.

Indeed, as the president stated, he had more important things to do.

Carlos Khantzis

Woodland Hills

Let us hope that the darker side of our humanity dies alongside our enemies. It is not victory otherwise.

Colin Cole


Now the mission is accomplished.

Judy Farris

Bermuda Dunes
