
Letters: Torture and ‘Zero Dark Thirty’

Re “Road to Oscars a minefield for ‘Zero,’” Feb. 19

I was disgusted by the opening scenes in “Zero Dark Thirty” portraying torture. Contrary to actual events, the prolonged scenes failed to portray any significant awareness of the current moral and legal controversies, which swirled around and through the brutality that government agents were perpetrating in violation of international law.

Perhaps this incredible omission served the film’s higher purpose of elevating CIA agents to unsullied superhero status for carrying out America’s righteous mission at any cost.


As the brutal images persisted, the sickening words from George Orwell’s “1984” came to mind:

“Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.”

Jim Valentine

Woodland Hills

“Zero Dark Thirty” is a movie, and politicians need to lighten up. What do they mean it is “grossly inaccurate”? It wasn’t a position piece; it wasn’t even a documentary.


It caused (or should have caused) viewers to contemplate. And that’s a bad thing? Films based on real events should raise questions, make us think and make us do our homework. It was a variety of concerted efforts and practices that led to Osama bin Laden’s killing.

“Zero Dark Thirty” is a wonderfully crafted film, so can we just leave censorship in the past where it belongs?

Judy Malmgren

Santa Barbara


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