
Readers React: Did California drive Toyota to Texas?

Toyota's move from its Torrance facility, above, will occur over the next three years as the new headquarters is built in Plano, Texas.
(Christina House / For The Times)

Re “Toyota to move from Torrance to Texas,” April 28

Joining Occidental Petroleum, Toyota Motor Corp. is the latest company to flee the high taxes and onerous regulations of California, taking thousands of good-paying jobs with it. Meanwhile, in Sacramento, legislators are considering a bill to raise taxes on companies deemed to have too wide a gap between median worker pay and compensation for chief executives.

Why would any company want to do business in California? In the latest annual rankings by Chief Executive magazine for best and worst states to do business in, Texas holds the top spot and California is at the bottom.


While driving out the high-paying, skilled jobs and workers, California seems more than happy to accept and even subsidize the unskilled to come here. Apparently, this is what the Democrats in Sacramento want for our future.

Terrance Dauplaise


I have owned two Priuses, but I will be no longer be interested in purchasing any new Toyotas in the future.

When I read that Texas Gov. Rick Perry had lured Toyota into moving its U.S. headquarters, I was appalled. Perry offered Toyota a rich incentive program. In plain English, that likely means lower wages for the workers and better pay for executives.


Doesn’t Toyota realize that it’s the American worker who purchases its products here? As a Californian, I say good luck and good riddance to Toyota.

Steve Binder


Was it just recently that Gov. Jerry Brown was taunting Perry for coming to California to promote Texas for business?

California has more of everything than Texas — it has more taxes, rules and regulations. Cheer up, California. We still have the bullet train.


Carl McHenry


Been there, done that; quit and moved back. Hope y’all at Toyota enjoy your move from the Golden State to the Cheap State.

Boris Buzan

Mission Viejo


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