
Letters: Government waste? Another day in L.A.

Re “L.A. settles two ticket quota cases,” Dec. 11

Thanks to The Times for keeping us abreast of our city’s misdeeds. It’s a difficult job.

We’re already trying to find out how and why the Department of Water and Power’s nonprofit institutes spent $40 million in ratepayer money. This revelation was followed by news of the county Sheriff’s Department’s questionable hiring practices and the arrests of 18 current and former deputies in connection with misconduct at L.A. County jails.

Now we get to spend more than $10 million to settle with several police officers because their bosses decided they didn’t have to follow the law regarding traffic ticket quotas.

I await patiently for the next instance of gross waste or unlawful or antisocial behavior by our city and county leaders.


Is this a great place to live or what?

Bob Curran


What’s missing here? Eleven police officers will get hundreds of thousands of dollars each for having been forced — on pain of lost overtime and lousy assignments — to meet traffic ticket quotas. Where is the recompense to all the citizens inappropriately ticketed?

Michael Lawler

Los Angeles


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