
Patt Morrison asks Magic 8 Balls for thoughts on Obamacare and more

Welcome to “Ask the 8-Ball,” a roundtable of questions and answers about current topics with expert guests from the worlds of politics, finance, sports and culture.

Our guests’ take on events makes it clear that one opinion is as good as any other.

The video topics:

Obamacare: Congress has taken up votes to overturn Obamacare at least 40 times. Will the Congress again revisit the prospect of undoing the Affordable Care Act?

The California bullet train: California voters loved it in 2008 and voted for it, and now they’re having voters’ and buyers’ remorse. Will the bullet train be derailed?


And Topic One for Angelenos: How will the Dodgers do in the playoff games? The last time the team went to the World Series, the Berlin Wall was still standing.


Baca’s bad choice

A way out for the GOPPatt Morrison Asks: LA’s new coroner


Follow Patt Morrison on Twitter @pattmlatimes
