
Readers React: A grandmother as president? It’s time.

To the editor: I enjoyed Meghan Daum’s column where she cited Hillary Clinton’s role as a “grandmother” as a positive quality for the White House. I agree that it is unfortunate that we still use the word “grandmother” as a form of negative messaging for female leaders. (“Hillary Clinton’s no-knife, no-Botox run for the White House,” column, April 15)

This has not always been the case. In the Seneca (Iroquois Nation) culture, female elders were respected and honored. They even nominated the (male) clan chiefs and replaced them when necessary.

As a recent first-time grandmother of twins, I am delighted that Clinton is also a grandmother as she begins her run for the most challenging political office in the world. Being a grandmother creates a personal connection to future generations.


I hope Clinton’s grandmotherly concerns can bring a refreshing perspective to the presidency. Her experience as secretary of State as well as first lady also gives her a scope and diplomacy that can be valuable in dealing with the sensitive issues affecting us all generations into the future.

Barbara Schiffman, Burbank


To the editor: The next presidential election is coming in 2016, and look who the probable nominees are: a Clinton and a Bush. That would be Hillary and Jeb this time.

In a country of more than 300 million people, this is the best we can do? With Clinton, we would get her ex-president husband lurking in the background. Bush is one of the lesser-known members of the Bush clan, but he is probably the most electable Republican.


Maybe some better choices will come along — or we can only hope. Trouble is, the “best” people don’t want a job where half the country will oppose everything they do.

I wish us luck — we’re going to need it.

Ron Swenson, Chino

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